Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sunday is Coming. . .

[In order to be absolutely upfront, I don’t remember if I wrote this or found it on some other site. I think I did write it for the introduction to an Easter sermon, but in case you recognize it as belonging to someone else, please accept my apologies.]

Can you imagine the dead silence that must have been felt in the room on Saturday after the Lord had been crucified? What do you suppose was going through the minds of the disciples? If, they even spoke, what do you think might have been the topic of their conversation?
I'm thinking they were probably in the lowest feeling of depression they had ever felt. These men had done no better than the Pharisees in understanding His words of "destroy this...and I will raise it up again." All they could think about was they had seen, from a distance no doubt, the agonizing death of the very One they had hang their hopes upon. That was yesterday, Friday, He was dead for sure and they knew it. Now what!! What will they do next?
Ah, but what a difference a day makes. Tomorrow, there will be a surge of new life through their hearts and minds that will change everything. Today, they don't realize it, but TOMORROW He will rise from the dead and appear to all of them, except Thomas, he'll have to wait a week.
Tomorrow, He will breathe on them and they will experience the Holy Spirit, Whose full power will come on Pentecost. He will also give them the joy of telling those who believe on the Lord Jesus that their sins have been forgiven, but also the sad charge to tell those who will not believe that their sins are NOT forgiven.
You and I are so blessed!! We too, have the Holy Spirit within us and we can tell people if they will confess themselves as sinners and believe on the Lord Jesus their sins are forgiven, but if not, NO forgiveness.

Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing
Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King!
The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find,
None other is so loving, so good and kind.

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.

Alfred H. Ackley, (1887-1960)

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